Maxi-Matic Pressure Cooker Burn Injury Lawsuit Filed in Oregon
In July 2020, Maxi-Matic USA was hit with yet another lawsuit involving a person who was burned by a pressure cooker that exploded.
The lawsuit alleges that Maxi-Matic and Pick Five Imports Inc. sold a defective pressure cooker that exploded boiling-hot food and liquid.
The plaintiff was burned as a result of opening the pressure cooker’s lid while there was still a dangerous amount of...
Woman From Louisiana Files Instant Pot Lawsuit
In March 2020, a woman from Louisiana filed a lawsuit after she was severely burned by an exploding Instant Pot pressure cooker.
Crock-Pot Pressure Cooker Lawsuit
Sunbeam Products recalled nearly 1 million Crock-Pot Express Pressure Cookers after at least 99 people were burned when it exploded.
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Our lawyers are now accepting potential lawsuits for victims of pressure cookers. Please fill out the form below to find out more about your legal rights or call us toll free 24 hrs/day by dialing: (866) 223-3784.
Sunbeam Products Hit With Another Crock-Pot Pressure Cooker Lawsuit for Explosions & Burn Injuries
Sunbeam Products, a brand of electric home appliances, is on the receiving end of even more litigation after a lawsuit claiming a Crock-Pot pressure cooker exploded when the lid was opened.
Nattork Pressure Cooker Explosion Burns Colorado Woman
A woman in Colorado was severely burned by an exploding Nattork® Electric Pressure Cooker and required skin-graft surgeries.
Mom Horrifically Burned by Exploding Pressure Cooker
A mother in Australia suffered horrific 2nd-degree burns on most of her upper body after a Casera Electric Pressure Cooker exploded.
Cassie Hodges posted gruesome pictures on social media to raise awareness about that dangers of pressure cookers. She was making soup and walked into the kitchen, holding her 12-week-old infant son in her arms when she noticed that it was nearly done cooking. She...
Pressure Cooker Injury Lawsuit Filed by 12 Burn Victims
December 2017 — A dozen people who were burned by a Tristar Power Pressure Cooker have filed the first-ever multi-plaintiff pressure cooker injury lawsuit.
The lawsuit was filed against Tristar Products, Inc., the “As Seen on TV” company, for allegedly selling defective pressure cookers.
The plaintiffs say the lid of the Power Pressure Cooker can be opened when it still contains a...